Online home of one of the world's best science museums...the Exploratorium in San Francisco
is a museum where almost every single exhibit is hands-on. I went there this summer
on a road trip and spent a whole morning wandering around. Their web site captures
the same stimulating appeal of the museum.
The Mad Scientist Network
Need an answer to that burning science question? Maybe madsci.org can help you.
A spinoff enterprise of Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis,
the Mad Scientist Network lets you search through its extensive database of previously
asked/answered questions in a myriad of science fields. If you don't find what you're
looking for pose your question to them and they'll e-mail you a reply by an expert in
that field. A very helpful resource.
The Discovery Channel
Not only does the Discovery Channel offer some of the best science programming on
television (along with PBS), but
it offers some of the finest science content on the web. If you haven't been by this
site before, or if you haven't been in a long time, it's time for a return visit.
ThinkQuest isn't just a competition for high-schoolers to create educational web pages
for college scholarships, it's also a fantastic resource for learning about the world
around you. Search the entries of any of the annual ThinkQuest competitions, and
you'll find well-designed, thorough sites that put science--and many other
disciplines--into simple terms. ThinkQuest entries cover everything from explorations
of fractal mathematics to the process behind making movies.
If I only met the age requirements, I'd be entering this contest in a heartbeat.
How Stuff Works
"How Stuff Works" has to be seen to be believed. Marshall Brain (yes, that's his name)
is a former college professor who maintains a massive site that tells you, well, "how stuff
works." (Not too hard to figure that one out.) It's sites like this that are what the
Web was made for, and I'm not the only one who thinks so; Mr. Brain won the 1998
"Cool Site of The Year" award from the
CSotD folks for his work on HSW.
Bill Nye, The Science Guy
Bill Nye is the coolest. At Nye Labs, his KCTS home page, you'll find every episode
archived for your reading pleasure.
Geared for the younger crowd, given, ... but it's still high-quality, Disney-produced
educational television.
Netsurfer Science
A shameless plug! In my spare time, I write articles for this online
digest. You can subscribe to it for free (no spam lists, no strings attached
...really!), and they'll send a fresh catch of science links and reviews to
your mailbox every two weeks. With irreverent prose, fresh content, and hard
science, it's good stuff. Don't take my (obviously biased) word for it; check it out